Customer Experience
We’d would like the opportunity to make it better for you, and to learn from your experience to ensure that the same thing doesn’t happen again.
If you would like to make a complaint or pass on some feedback, please use one of the following options;
- Contact our Customer Experience Office on 4030 5524;
- Send an email to our Customer Experience Team via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or
- Send a letter addressed to the Dealership Customer Experience Manager, John Cole Toyota, PO Box 118, Atherton QLD 4883,
What you can expect is a prompt response to your complaint or feedback.
We aim to respond to your complaint within one business day upon receiving it. However, should further investigation be required; we will keep you informed of the progress of our investigations. We appreciate you giving us a chance to make things better.

Sales Experience

Service Experience
"Tell us about your Experience" JCT Difference
We appreciate all of our customers who give up their time to share their feedback with us. It is important to us here at John Cole Toyota, as this helps us achieve our goal of delivering a quality and personalised experience that exceeds our customers expectations.
Tell us how we went
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Your feedback is important to us here at John Cole Toyota, as it is our goal to provide you with a quality and personalised experience every time you vist us.
however to achieve this, we need your help. You can help us by completing a short survey that is sent directly from Toyota Australia* to tell us about your experience – the good and the not so good.
If eligible, you will be sent a survey link as an email or SMS*. Please check your emails; including your junk folder or mobile for your invitation. (usually received within 48 hrs).
See instore for more details.